
We have recently been watching "Ramona & Beezus" and let me say that they have some of the BEST music ever on there. I was not aware of this song by Ingrid Michaelson before watching the movie and now I LOVE this song!! Makes me feel like I'm on a beachtown in California. Mmm, summer is "almost" here.

It's Tuesday and I'm grateful for yet another day to live. :)

BOYCE AVENUE....You-tubers who can Sing

You know how you find all those people on Youtube who sing all the popular songs? Some of them you wonder why in the world they don't have a record deal and some of them you are wondering why they put that video up. But I guess it's a free country, right? :)

After seeing all these youtubers who make music videos, I KNOW there is no lack of talent in this world! I found these guys last year and they have gotten much better over the months....my favorite thing about their songs is that they take the original songs and change the lyrics. Because sometimes the lyrics are not great from the original artists ;)

Hope you enjoyed some Boyce Avenue on your Monday. It's a snowy Monday here.

B & W, M-o-n-d-a-y.

It's true.
  • Guys make snowboard helmets & goggles look better than any girl.
It's true.

  • Guys that snowboard always have the coolest outfits.
Now us girls? Well lets just say we don't come close to being as cool or as good. We may try the jumps and if we don't fall on our backsides and only get 2inches of air, we are doing pretty good. Or maybe I should speak for myself? :)

It's true. Guys are {COOL}.

(espcially this brother of mine)



And I'm being random!

And I haven't posted since BEFORE Christmas time....LAME!
Christmas was good. New Years was good. I am very thankful for a New Year.

I will be doing a looking back post and reflections soon. My blog is currently being re-done, the changes coming are going to be exciting!! I decided it was time to do a face lift to this ol' blog of mine. Thanks so much to Katie Jo for helping me out!

(Some friends, my little sister and I went and saw Tangled. It was my 2nd time seeing it and I LOVE LOVE that movie. One of Disney's BEST. If you haven't seen it, you really should.)