"The epitome of pride is prayerlessness. If I don't pray, I'm saying, 'I control my destiny myself'. A person who doesn't pray is proud". -Jon Courson
(Oh how I need to pray more!)

I love my friend Steph.


"Let not our longings slay the appetite of our livings". -Jim Elliot

I think this is one of my favorite quotes because it reminds me to live in the present. Not in the past. And not in the future. Sometimes the future seems to hold so much and I can't wait to get to it. But I can always hear my Dad saying: "you don't want to look back and have regrets". I sure do not want to live these years in the future, missing out on what God has placed in my hands now.

"Our love for anyone can be measured by how much we pray for that person". -Mike MacIntosh

Yeah. The first time I read this quote it was a slap in the face. I realized that I don't pray near as often as I should for all the people I love. And I don't pray enough for everyone I meet and for all my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. It also made me realize that I do love little at times. But I see God giving me new measures of love in my life for everyone, and it's a good thing.


"Has your relationship with God changed the way you live your life?"

I forget where I found this quote but it has been one of my favorites for a while. To me it's a good reminder that my behavior and the way I live my life needs to be a reflection of God and show that He has changed me, from the inside OUT.

"The God who created names and numbers the stars in the heavens also numbers the stars of my head. He pays attention to very big things and to very small ones. What matters to me matters to Him, and that changes my Life." -Elisabeth Elliot

It is truly amazing to me that God, the God who created and holds this whole universe in His Hands cares about my life. Not only my life, but He cares about the small tiny weenie things that I care about. I've thought before, nope can't pray about that....it's too small a thing! But I'm learning that I can pray about that small eenie weenie thing! God cares about that small little thing! Wow. That does change my life.

"I know I'm weak; I know I'm unworthy
To call upon Your Name;
But beacuse of Grace;
because of your Mercy; I stand here Unashamed". -Unashamed, Starfield

I know this isn't technically a quote but these are some lyrics to a song I LOVE. I'm so unworthy to call upon God but yet because of His Mercy and Grace I come freely! Oh His Grace and Mercy is such a marvelous thing!

We are having some of the best weather here ever in February! It was 66 degrees yesterday and the sun was out. Hello spring.

I am looking forward to enjoying more of that weather this weekend.

I'm so exited for our college group's womens retreat this weekend, I get to get off work early, pack, grab Pancheros with my sister, pick some friends up and head to the camp.

Happyyyy Friddaaayyyy everyone!

Tuesday Thoughts.....{PERSONAL}

"If we prayed more we could stand the tide, we could be strong and insecurity wouldn't be part of our lives. But because we lean on our flesh we don't see the power of prayer and when we are tested we fall apart". -Steve Mays


"I like to begin my day in a commitment of myself and the day to the Lord. I love to do that before I get out of bed. I just lie there for a moment, communing with the Lord, thanking Him for another day to serve Him and presenting myself afresh to Him. 'I'm available Lord, to use as you desire. Guide my steps today, in Your ways". -Chuck Smith


"Living the Christian Life God's way. People, including myself, tend to forget the last two words of that." -J. Vernon McGee


"God works on both ends. He'll work in your heart, and then that work will be confirmed by someone coming and sharing with you." -Chuck Smith

(just some pictures from a recent photo shoot, i love cloudy days for photos).

Happy Valentines Day!

I shall celebrate by going swimming (training for the triathlon) and making heart shaped cookies with my little sister. Happy Valentines Day!!
(photo from google images)


"I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light." - John Falconer


Thoughts on a Thursday {Personal}

I haven't taken pictures for SO.LONG. I don't know why. But I think one of the reasons I love summer so much is because I take TONS of pictures. We did get all that snow the weather forecaster man was predicting. And boy, it's a LOT! We haven't had this much since when we first moved here back in 1998!! Someone told my brother this happens every 50 years, so we all decided next time it happens, my brother will be 71 and I'll be 69. Hahaha.


My little brother graduates this summer. CRAZY. There are only going to be the two youngest left in school now. My Mom must think that is so different. I remember all those crazy days when there were all 6 of us still in school and we were constantly getting told to "stop talking". Those are such good memories. I'm not saying I'd like to go back to high school tho. :)

My older brother & sister and I are training for a Triathlon in June. I started swimming twice a week at our local pool. The first time we went swimming my brother and I were sick and I couldn't stand up without getting dizzy. Just completely worn OUT. It's a lot better now and I don't feel like my lungs are going to collapse on me! Swimming is good exercise. I think the best thing yet was I did a 30minute workout with Jillian Michaels (30 day shred) right before we were going snowboarding. Yes. BAD IDEA. For the next couple days I couldn't walk properly or sit down well and moving was painful in EVERY way. I'm glad that that is over with and I can do the workout now without feeling those effects. Haha.

I'm learning new things EVERY.SINGLE.DAY. I'm a sinner in need of God's grace every DAY. It's mind boggling to think that God would send His perfect and Holy Son down to take my place! It's hard to comprehend that God would work in me, and not give up on me! And that he fights my battles! Because I am not the perfect person. In fact I'm a big sinner. And to think that the God who made the whole universe cares about "my" life is so hard to grasp! But I don't think I need to grasp or understand any of it, I just need to say "Thank You" and be amazed at what an AWESOME GOD we serve!

Life isn't perfect and life isn't always easy. But oh Life is SWEET!


Yes and TONS of it!
I'm still here, some new posts coming up this week. My baby sister turns 14 Friday, since when did the baby of the family be old enough to drive?!